I’ve wanted to be a part of the birthing process for as long as I can remember. My introduction to women’s health started at UTMB in Houston where I worked in the Regional and Maternal Child Heath Program. I was mentored by a group of midwives who taught me that pregnancy and birth should not be treated as an illness but embraced as an empowering event in a woman’s life. I also worked with and learned a great deal from a group of Ob/Gyns that specialized in high risk pregnancies and births. Working with both groups taught me the importance of applying the principals of the Midwifery Model of Care to all births, in or out of the hospital.
I began spending my weekends at the birth center witnessing births and instantly fell in love with everything about it. But it was the first birth that I attended that eventually lead me to become a doula. She was a 16 year old, first time mom who was alone and terribly afraid. I held her hand and tried to comfort her as she cried out for her own mother. I knew at that moment that I never wanted another woman to ever feel so helpless or alone at a time when she should be rejoicing. I spent the subsequent years becoming more and more involved in women’s health determined to empower women and families. My passion for birth has evolved to include a love of educating expectant and new families.
My philosophy on birth is that we are perfectly designed to give birth. Where and how that happens is unique to each woman. As a doula my job is not to judge or make decisions for you. My job is to make sure that you have enough evidence based information to make an informed decision about your care and to then provided unconditional support to you and your partner no matter what type of birth you choose. I’ve supported all types of families at all types of births.
My goal is to give you the birth experience that will empower you as a parent. What you take away from your birth experience will influence your choices as a parent and ultimately your relationship with your child.